Saturday 6 October 2012


For goldenrod and purple asters banking a highway exit ramp
For neighbours, thoughtful and friendly
For the weightless majesty of hawks soaring
For non-profit artists who share their creative gifts at street festivals
For rainbow miracles when sunlight shines through a glass prism
For a three year old who runs grinning into my arms and lets me hug her tight 
For red and rusty garden mums that faithfully bloom in the dying season
For Canada’s political freedom and safety, imperfect though they are
For writers who have kept my Christian faith alive
For nature’s music in birdsong, river rapids, blowing pines trees, crickets and a crackling fire.
For all who labour persistently to bring justice
For pumpkins, apples, cranberries, onions, potatoes and farmers
For bodies that endure and heal themselves
For three daughters who are compassionate women.
For the breathtaking glory of deserts, mountains, oceans, and forests
For all musicians, from reggae to motet, from viola to conga drum
For sleep. Ahh.
For religious freedom and gender equality laws
For relatives and friends who put up with me
For the tiny wonders: grasshoppers, frogs, snails, moss and mushrooms
For all who feed the poor, cure the sick and visit the prisoner
For the astonishing star-filled night sky and scientists who discover creation’s deep secrets
For all who tell the good news of Jesus, Light of the world

“I will exalt you, my God; 
I will praise your name forever and ever.
I will meditate on your wonderful works. 
One generation commends your works to another. 
They tell of the power of your awesome works. 
They celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness
and I will proclaim your great deeds. 
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
My mouth will speak in praise of God. 
Let every creature praise God’s holy name forever and ever.” 
(Psalm 145, excerpts)